

We collect and use your personal data for various purposes depending on who you are and how we come into contact with you. For the marketing of our services/products and information about our business, we collect and store personal data for advertising. The processing of your personal data for marketing purposes takes place on the basis of an agreement with you, a legitimate interest we have or we have obtained your consent. If you have questions related to the content here, or our processing of personal data in general, you can send an email to

We use personal data to offer you example the following services, depending on your agreement with us or what you have agreed to:

Social media

We will be able to use Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media to market our services / products. Most often, we will not use your personal data for such purposes, but where we do, we will only share names, email addresses and, in some cases, mobile numbers with these actors.

Our website may contain buttons to share content in Social Media. These buttons are created with code provided by the channel itself. This code leaves a cookie in your browser unless you have blocked such use. Please read more about privacy on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Remember that you can manage your relationship and the processing of your personal data directly by these actors.

Our website

Used to provide information about our services/products and inform about our business. On our website, general information about the visitors is recorded. In this context, the IP address of the computer, username, time of visit and data from the visitor's browser are recorded in particular, read more about Aarstein Media's cookie statement.


Can be used if you have allowed such cookies in your browser. This type of advertising makes it possible to show specific ads to visitors who have left cookies on our website, read more about Aarstein Media's cookie statement.

Other marketing services can be used. In this case, we will provide you with information about this and obtain your consent before we use your already registered personal data.

Which personal data do we process about you for marketing?

We only process personal data that is necessary to offer you the above services, and we will obtain your consent where we have no other basis for using your information. We handle your personal data with care, and we will choose our partners with care and expect them to also deliver good and safe privacy protection. You have the right to know who receives your personal data, and which ones.

How long do we store your personal data?

We will remove your personal data from our systems if:

  • The retention period at user level and at event levels related to cookies, user IDs and advertising IDs are stored in Aarstein Media's analysis tool for 26 months before they are deleted automatically. You can unsubscribe at any time the newsletter. All personal data will be deleted after you have unsubscribed.
  • If we have not had any contact with you during a period of 5 years, we will delete your data, unless required by law or relevant regulators requires us to keep it for a longer period of time.

Basis for the processing

The legal basis for the processing of the personal data in the above services is either through an agreement with you, a legitimate interest we have or that we have obtained your consent. If the service is to be used by children under the age of 13, consent is required from the guardians.

Your rights

The Data Protection Act gives you certain rights when it comes to the processing of your information. This is the right to:

You have the right to be informed about everything we collect and process from your personal information, including who we are, how we use your personal information and your rights under your personal information. You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you. We can confirm whether or not your information is being processed and give you access to your personal information.

If your personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have the information corrected and updated.

p>You have the right to request the deletion or removal of your personal information. There are limited circumstances in which you can request deletion of your information, this includes where the information is no longer necessary for the purpose for which we originally obtained or processed the information, and where you have withdrawn your consent to our processing. If you want further information about the right to erasure, just to ask.

If you have any questions or a complaint regarding this privacy policy, or the handling of your personal information, please send an e-mail to