AM LottiePlayer
for WordPress


Add vectorized Lottie animations to your page with Gutenberg, Divi, Elementor or via shortcode [am-lottieplayer].

Are you missing any functions in AM LottiePlayer? Check out our premium plugin: AM LottiePlayer PRO – for those of you who need even a little more!

This is the most complete, free Lottie Player yet. AM LottiePlayer is easy to use, lightweight, and gives you total control over how to implement crisp, vectorized animations to your website. Easily set up user interactions, choose between or the optimized format, choose whether to serve the files from a CDN or your own , choose whether to render the animations as malleable SVGs or performant canvas elements, and choose how to scale the animation.


  • Use the Gutenberg Editor, the Divi Builder or Elementor to add animations to your website. The player is also available via shortcode [am-lottieplayer]
  • Upload LottieJSON or dotLottie files to your Media Library
  • Drag & drop a LottieJSON or dotLottie file
  • Insert a LottieJSON or dotLottie animation from URL
  • Choose user interactions, renderer, scaling, speed, size, background color and more from the block settings in Gutenberg. The same settings are accessible in the Divi Module menu and the Elementor widget menu. Alternatively you can use the shortcode [am-lottieplayer].


Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option — WordPress will handle the file transfer, and you won't need to leave your web browser.

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Navigate to the Plugins menu
  3. Click on Add New
  4. Search for AM LottiePlayer
  5. Click Install Now and WordPress will take it from there
  6. Click on Activate Now, or activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

Manual installation

  1. Upload the entire 'am-lottieplayer' folder to your plugins directory, typically wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

After activation

  1. Open the WordPress Block/Gutenberg Editor, Elementor or the Divi Editor
  2. Search for Lottie
  3. Click on the AM LottiePlayer to add the block, module or widget


If you wish to use the shortcode [am-lottieplayer], it has the following parameters:

  • src: URL or path to animation (required)
  • autoplay: true | false
  • controls: true | false
  • loop: true | false
  • objectFit: cover | contain | none